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February 22, 2002

Gold at the Olympics

Congratulations to the all-Scottish women’s curling team who won gold at the Olympics! The good ol’ BBC describes their Stone of the Week and how you too can win a gold medal!

It’s been snowing on and off all day today. Before you start thinking dreamy winter thoughts, it’s been awfully windy and the snow’s been wet - almost none of it sticking. But the whole concept of snow is still relatively new to me, so I’ve enjoyed it nonetheless!

February 21, 2002

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to me, Ali, and Fiona! What are the chances that I’ve met two other students in Glasgow who share a birthday with me? Don’t do the math - just believe me - it’s rare! In other news, my fellow Georgia Tech architecture student and friend Leslie, who’s studying in Paris this year like I will be next year, is arriving in Glasgow today from London. It’ll be fun catching up on most of the past 6 months - and nice for me to play Scottish tour guide once again.

February 19, 2002

Food, glorious food

It’s nearly 6 o’clock and I still haven’t had the chance to eat the sandwich I bought myself for lunch just before 1 o’clock. You’re probably thinking, “Kyle, why don’t you stop and eat your sandwich right now?” To which I’d reply, “I’m in the library; food and drinks aren’t allowed inside.” So take that Mr. Smarty-Pants! Just kidding, I’ll eat it on my way back to the flat, as long as it’s not pouring outside. There’s not much worse than a soggy sandwich.

February 18, 2002


I’m not really one for online games, but I saw this snowboarding game last night on the BBC’s Olympics coverage. Warning: it can be slightly addicting.

Greetings, folks!

I’m just back from seeing Ocean’s Eleven at the cinema down the street from the school. I must admit, I really enjoyed the film. Just enough action, just enough drama, and just enough humor… It was the first one I’ve seen since Kurt was here at Christmas.

C.J. Lim is back this week to help us on our architecture projects. I have a presentation to make tomorrow with my engineer - hope all goes well! I’ll keep y’all posted.

February 16, 2002

Acoustic Café

Tonight’s the second Acoustic Café. Once again, I’m serving as compere. I’ve been quite busy the past couple days working on my architecture project. It’s coming along nicely, but it’s all much more demanding than I’d hope.

February 12, 2002

My apologies...

Happy Belated Birthday, Kurt!!!

February 11, 2002

What'll they think of next?

Leave it to my fellow Americans to invent something like the Utilikilt It’s a kilt; it’s a utility belt; it’s both!!!

And in Olympic news, the United States has upset world champions Sweden in the first round of curling! If you’re American, you probably know very little about curling, but check out this Curling Basics site with its helpful animations. I think I’ll have to have a go at it while I’m here, since the sport probably originated in Scotland in the early 16th century.

Tonight’s presentation in Paisley went well - although they were wanting me to do a rendition of “Georgia on My Mind.” The only song I’ll be singing today is “Happy Birthday,” long-distance over the telephone to my sister.

Architectural Desktop 3.3

After nearly two weeks of waiting, I have finally received the correct authorization code for my student copy of Architectural Desktop 3.3. Without it, my laptop’s been frequently suffering from the Blue Screen of Death. The remedy couldn’t have arrived at a more critical time since I’m speaking to the Rotary Club of Paisley Callants this evening. It would take a lot of Southern charm to recover from a dying PowerPoint presentation in front of the District 1230 governor.

February 10, 2002


Not much happening in Glasgow today. A guy came and spoke at church this morning about an innovative program called On the Move. It tied in well with the pastor’s sermon on food. Maybe that explains why I was in the mood for an XL Bacon Double Cheeseburger from Burger King after the service.

February 09, 2002

Reach out and touch someone.

Three cheers for the new AT&T Unlimited Plan!!! Maybe they can work out a deal with British Telecom so I can call home for free?!? I think my last call to the Carpet Capital cost nearly $9. (No, that’s not that expensive, but I could feed myself for quite a few meals with that amount.)

February 08, 2002

It's a holiday!

We’re celebrating the middle of the academic term today… no lectures, no studio! But that doesn’t mean I’m not working. I’m quickly trying to get drawings together that I can present to my structural engineer so he can calculate what’s needed for my building to stand up. That’s typically pretty important.

February 07, 2002

House for an Art Lover

Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s House for an Art Lover is featured today as one of the Yahoo! New & Notable websites. Mackintosh designed the house for a competition in 1901, but was disqualified for submitting his work late. (It’s comforting to know even great architects aren’t always on-time.) The house was recently constructed (1989-96), thanks in part to the staff and faculty of the Glasgow School of Art, in Bellahouston Park.

February 03, 2002

Super Bowl XXXVI

It’s Super Bowl Sunday, and I’d be hard-pressed to find someone who really cares. Then again, I mainly watch for the commericals.

This weekend was fantastic! The Loch Lomond Hostel, where we stayed, was gorgeous - not your typical hostel! Not only was it nice to get away from Glasgow for at least a little while, but the time spent with friends - new and old - and listening to God was rewarding and refreshing!

February 01, 2002

Burns Night Photos

My friend Jen has some Burns Night photos on the web. They might be a little incriminating, but I thought I’d share.

'And sae the Lord be thankit.'

Scots it was - but with an American accent, of course. The supper was ‘absolutely brilliant’ - tasty haggis, drams of whiskey, Burns poetry, intergender comedy, and ceilidh dancing.

For better or for worse, February has arrived! I spoke to the Rotary Club of Gourock last night. Earlier this week there were gale force winds of 120mph in Gourock. Luckily last night things were a little more calm.

This afternoon I’m leaving for the “bonnie, bonnie banks” of Loch Lomond - the locale of this term’s Navs weekend away.