
December 04, 2002

Les derniers jours

These are the last days of semester number one here in Paris. This afternoon we finish making our Paris Program newsletter and thus conclude its class. Tomorrow morning I’ll take the final exam (written and oral) in our French language class. On Friday I’ll have my sketchbook/portfolio for our visual communications class completed. And next Tuesday we’ll give our final group presentations for studio.

Busy? Yes! Stressful? Not really… nothing like what Dead Week and Finals Week were like back in Atlanta.

October 22, 2002

La rentrée à l'école

Good morning - even though y’all on the eastern coast of the U.S. have probably just headed to bed! Starting today French students are joining our classes. Yes, even though we Americans have been at it for six or seven weeks now, today’s the first day of school for students at the Ecole d’Architecture de Paris - La Villette. Working on a studio design with someone in a foreign language will definitely start to make things… interesting! I’m also hoping to sign-up for one of the university’s regular classes - i.e. one not taught by Georgia Tech faculty. I’ll just have to see how my schedule works out and what’s on offer.

February 08, 2002

It's a holiday!

We’re celebrating the middle of the academic term today… no lectures, no studio! But that doesn’t mean I’m not working. I’m quickly trying to get drawings together that I can present to my structural engineer so he can calculate what’s needed for my building to stand up. That’s typically pretty important.