The O.C.

Did anybody record The O.C. this past Wednesday (03/16/06 - Episode 317 - “The Journey”)? The song “In Dreams” was played by my friends Crash My Model Car. I can hardly believe I missed their American debut… So if anyone’s got a copy on their TiVo, I’ll be glad to provide you with some company on your couch. Thanks!

by Kyle on March 18, 2006 | 12:41 PM (000197)


Kenny blogged us.

And I know no one really reads this anymore, but it's Kyle's birthday today!

In 48 hours I'll be on a plane to Spain!

by Kristin on February 21, 2006 | 9:27 PM (000196)

The bandwagon

I think I’ll get married too.

by Kristin on January 25, 2006 | 5:44 PM (000195)

Resolutions for 2006

  1. Get married
by Kyle on January 1, 2006 | 1:16 PM (000194)

Longboard Blues

Greetings, everyone who’s suddenly coming my way via the Longboard at Airbag Industries. While hopefully shy of the Slashdot effect, I’m sure to get a relative surge in hits temporarily. I should hurry up and puts some ads on this site…

To think, all I did was send Greg a little note pointing out the odd WWII/September 11 poster I found via an post on his blog. Did anybody else catch that?

Thanks for my 15 minutes, Greg!

Longboard Blues by Dionysos

by Kyle on December 29, 2005 | 8:28 PM (000193)

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03/04Crash My Model Car
"In Dreams" was played on The O.C. this past week. Congrats!
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