
May 01, 2004

Poster Child


While waiting for a load of clothes to dry this morning, I hopped on the internet and cruised around some of the ususual architecture-related I have bookmarked. After jumping from link to link, I finally came upon, a website-based initiative run by The Lighthouse, funded by the Scottish Executive, and informed by their Policy on Architecture to “involve nation wide communities in issues relating to the built environment.”

Because I’m currently trying to make some decisions about graduate school (Atlanta, America, or abroad…) I decided to check out this site’s Secondary School Resources. My index finger was stopped mid-click when I suddenly recognized that debonair young man pictured slaving away at his drafting table.

“It’s me!”

How funny! I don’t typically see myself in profile so it took me a while to confirm my own identity: Georgia Tech t-shirt - check, sideburns - check, Sanford mechanical pencil - check. I’m still wondering about that tuff of hair falling down my forehead…

So now sit back and bask in my self-promoted 15 minutes of fame. Maybe I’ll get to sign some autographs the next time in Scotland. Maybe not.

Note: If you do visit you might have to refresh the homepage a few times before my mug magically appears.

January 10, 2003

Joyeux anniversaire

Yes, it’s sad but true. On this day six years ago I FTPed my first piece of HTML onto the WWW. Thus began the process of creating what appears on your computer screen in front of you today! We had finally gotten internet access at home for Christmas 1996, and by New Year’s everything was up and running. Within a couple weeks I had downloaded enough software, viewed enough source code, and gathered up enough narcissistic pride to join the growing multitudes by making a personal website.

Continue reading "Joyeux anniversaire" »

December 05, 2002

Un moteur de recherche

On occasion I get the urge to investigate how people make their way to this site. In this relatively young month of December, one particular netizen has come across this fair piece of cyberspace as the result of a search for “alien spacecraft photos.” I guess, much to their dismay, they only discovered my photo of the Blur Building at the Swiss Expo. And once again architecture spoils the day for science fiction fun…

FYI, I’m teaching myself Macromedia Flash this weekend with help from Flash to the Core by Joshua Davis. You’re probably thinking after having read yesterday’s entry that I don’t have time to waste learning yet another software program… and you’re right! But my group’s going to try to have our presentation on Tuesday in Flash. So pardon me as I get back to the book.

July 24, 2002

Thoughts from Tech

I went down to Tech last night - reunited with friends from the BSU and Theta Xi. I had the realization that I’m getting old - why - because college students are starting to look awfully young! Just thinkin’ that this year’s incoming freshmen were born in 1984 is enough to drive an ol’ man like me insane! Maybe that’s my secret motivation behind going to France: to feel un-aged and immortal far away from the 18-year olds on American college campuses. Well, at least it’s a thought…

February 18, 2002


I’m not really one for online games, but I saw this snowboarding game last night on the BBC’s Olympics coverage. Warning: it can be slightly addicting.

December 21, 2001

Who'da thunk it?

Wanna know what I’m doing tonight? Watching my alma mater win the state AAAA football championship! That’s right, even here in Glasgow, I can watch the game via the GPTV website. See, public television isn’t all that bad!

December 20, 2001

Royal Greetings

Every year Queen Elizabeth II sends out a Christmas message - typically via television, radio, and more recently, the internet. But since she received a mobile phone this past year, it might be possible to receive next year’s royal greeting as a text message!

November 21, 2001

Email Problems

FYI, if you’ve sent me email the past couple days at my “” address, I haven’t gotten the message. I’ve been told that my fraternity’s Ethernet cable was severed by some nearby construction. So, please, either resend the message to me at or wait another day or so and send it back to Cheers!