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La télévision européenne

Spending these past couple years here in Europe, I’ve been fascinated with what American media makes its way eastward across the Atlantic. For instance, most films shown in Parisian movie theaters are made in Hollywood. Only about 40% of songs on French radio are in French; and, no, the majority of the other 60% aren’t in Swahili; they’re in English, American-English that is.

However, during lunch today with my architecture studio team, I was a little surprised and very amused to hear our Dutch colleague refer to the show Perfect Strangers!!! I can’t even remember how long it’s been since I’ve seen an episode, but to hear someone from Holland talk about Balki Bartokomous just brings it all back!

And just when I didn’t think any deeper cultural understanding could be reached, he goes on to allude to Bob Ross and his happy little trees! Apparently, they show “The Joy of Painting” in the wee hours of the morning. They’ve even memorialized him with his own flower.


i am a prospective student for gatech and i love your site. it's great! i was gladly surprised to see that a student was in paris. that's great! i take french and was hoping to continue in college and maybe go to europe. so thanks.