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C'est incroyable!

Today’s one of those day’s that everything’s rather hard to believe. First, yesterday’s elections… Georgia gets a Republican governor for the first time in well over a hundred years, the most powerful Democrat in Georgia - Speaker of the House Tom Murphy - loses his seat, and U.S. Senator Max Cleland also loses. Being such a bad person, I didn’t bother getting an absentee ballot for myself here in Paris but I still feel very tied to this election - a good friend’s father becoming governor, my mom’s hometown’s hero giving up the gavel, and my cousin’s boss being sent home from Washington. I’m don’t consider myself a particularly political person, but then sometimes it’s just hard to ignore!

And it’s hard to believe that tomorrow night I’ll be back in Glasgow! I knew when I left this past July that I’d be coming back and I’m really looking forward to seeing folks again. In theory I should check the weather forecast so I’ll know what clothes to pack, but in reality I know it’s going to be rather cold and wet. Trust me!