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For Those of You Keeping Count

This is entry #171, but maybe more impressively, it’s the second entry in as many days! I can’t expect you to be too impressed because, given the seemingly forever case of typer’s block I suffered through, you’re probably reading this weeks if not months or years after I punched some keys and magically brought this rambling thought to fruition. So now onto something much more fun-filled…

Furniture! Since I’ve got a new address I’ve had to do some shopping for domestic supplies. Number one on my list was a table/desk. I searched far and wide (read: all over metro Atlanta and at least a dozen internet sites) for the perfect piece. I’ve made rudimentary desks before using a door for a top and whatever-can-be-safely-stacked for legs, but now that I’m a working man I figured it was time to buy an actual desk. After much internal deliberation, I decided on a rather unique — and I’d say fun — piece of furniture. It’s the Fasil Furniture Task Desk/Sofa Table.

The company claims there’s a 10-minute assembly time. I chose to approach the assembly process like one of those wooden block puzzles you see in the Cracker Barrel shop. The “cheat sheet” (a.k.a. - manufacturer’s instructions) remained safely in the box as I started to insert the slot of this piece into the slot of that piece. And in certainly no more than 5 minutes (I wasn’t actually timing it.) I had constructed my desk!

And in recognition of all my friends who are taking finals this week, when you need a break from all that “studying” - you can go to your nearest Target (obviously, Target.com since you’re reading this online) and buy your very own piece of easily-assembled furniture. See how fast you can put yours together. I’ll race you!


Target has discontinued this line and I am looking for the book case can you help me
Me too, I discovered the fasil line while trying to pack for a move, when I went to purchase 2 bookcases, the bookcase with doors & the entertainment center I couldn't get any of them, and repeated efforts to talk with someone at fasil have failed... :(